Friday, June 18, 2010

which will do a better job for the oil spill cleanup: BP or goverment?

We came across a headline earlier hinting that people trust BP more than the government as far as getting the oil spill cleaned up. Interesting. what do u think?

(gross reference alert -- stop reading if you don't want to see the next part!)

maybe tampax should step in..just saying.

I think I'm going to change my name to vuvuzela

it just sounds nice (unlike the horns themselves which are the instrumental equivalant of Gilbert Gottfried's voice).

Monday, June 14, 2010

awesome and hilarious news site

As a lover of all things bizarre (as long as they are fun and not morbid), I love reading about odd news. It seems there's never a shortage of it either.. check out some of the posts here:
weirdest stuff
